Application of SRT in a polymetallic deposit in Qinghai Province, China
The Dulan Polymetallic Mine, a skarn type deposit located in Qinghai Province, has yielded smaller metal deposits compared to the larger ones found in the vicinity. Further exploration is necessary to determine the deposit’s potential. In 2021, we conducted an exploration in the area to investigate the blind orebody using SRT.
By overlapping the SRT impedance data with the geological profile, we can identify strong wave impedance variations, including extensive weathering zones, intrusives, quartz porphyries, granodiorite, marbles, and fault zones. Through geological analysis of the wave impedance parameters, we believe that there are still marble and skarn beneath the current ore body. Therefore, a borehole has been designed.
The following figure shows a sketched section of the geological interpretation, specifically the borehole that intersected silver, lead, and zinc enrichments, confirming the geological inference based on SRT. The construction of the borehole verified the efficacy of SRT in identifying the ore bodies.